Maryland Statement Of Opposition Endorsed Widely
The Maryland Statement of Opposition has been signed by nearly 100 individuals and organizations in Maryland and beyond. The breadth of signatories speaks volumes about the extent of support to stop this harmful practice in Maryland. Organizational supporters include healthcare organizations, local service providers who work with women, legal organizations, faith-based organizations, student groups, and local and national women’s rights organizations, among others. Individuals from Maryland and across the country have also signed on in support, including health care professionals, social workers, academics, judges, and everyday citizens who object to the practice of shacklingpregnant women who are incarcerated. Read the statement here (PDF): Opposition_statement_final 022513
Bill to End Shackling of Pregnant Women Filed in Maryland
Maryland House Bill 829 has been filed and a hearing has been scheduled on 2/26 in Annapolis. To read the bill, find out about hearings, and see revisions, CLICK HERE. Here is the bill summary: Requiring that the medical professional responsible for the care of an inmate determine when the inmate’s health allows the inmate to be returned to a correctional facility after giving birth; providing that it is the policy of the State that restraint of pregnant inmates during labor and delivery should not be used unless determined necessary by an attending medical professional or specified others; requiring the security officer of a correctional facility to make and maintain specified written findings; etc.